Friday, March 9, 2012

When Logic Goes Awry

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. How the hell does this logic work?! We have a week of spring break this week, and most other colleges have it next week. How does that mean we'll be getting out earlier?! unless other colleges have longer breaks, all our graduations should be about the same. take this for example, dear Cristina, imagine the alphabet, if you will. now, suppose we use one copy of the alphabet and the other colleges use another. the standard american english alphabet has 26 letters, yes? well, imagine if our college would pick a letter and toss it down the toilet. therefore we would have 25 letters. now, another college uses the same initial alphabet, then removes a *different* letter. how many letters remain in their alphabet? 25, idiot. So if we get a break at one time, and they get that same break at a different time, we each get the same amount of break, just at a different time!! now, was that so hard to understand?

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