Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Double Whammy! Part 2

OK, I have absolutely no idea what happened with the post on the 16th. I tried to post, and when it did, it didn't separate the pics the way I like, so I tried to go back and change it, but I only got text. Sadly, I don't know how to delete posts, so sorry to let y'all down. Aaaaaaaaaaaanyways-

All I have is text again, so I can't tell if the pictures are in the right order. This should be the one with the lol sign.
OK, seriously, dude? Ever hear of this little thing called "trolling"? What about "Irrelevant post is irrelevant?" I'm preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure your little "Oh, post this or you're going to die and go to hell just for not posting this" is kinda unfitting for a picture of a sign with a poorly drawn representation of a drowning person. And guess what? I read that 5 days ago, and still no ghosties have come to get me, unless you wanna count 3 nights of insomnia being killed!

Nommuch to say here. Are you really that lonely/insecure about people liking you that you hafta put that as your status? Seriously, get a life.

Thank goodness Blogger has the "Preview" button! I checked what order it decided to put the pics, and guess what? It put them in the WRONG FREAKIN' ORDER!!

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