Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I've Got News for You

Well, well, well, this is quite contradictory, isn't it? Where don't you like to find things out? Facebook. Where did we find this out? Facebook. This all point to one thing-the need for a sarcastic graph!!
Is it just me, or is there something incredibly identical between both places? Oh wait!! We've found out about her most recent bitchings on ...wait for it, wait for it, wait for it... FACE-FUCKING-BOOK!!! Now Rachey Babe, if you really don't like finding out this kind of news via Fbook, then why bitch to the world about it on Facebook? This makes me wonder if you're one of those fucking whores you loathe sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Shirt on Your Back

Oh dear. No idea which is worse- the original post or some of the comments. james says something here, and suddenly adam explodes out of nowhere. though i'm not sure if that harsh of a reaction is impressive or sad by length. ya know what, it's sad. why? cuz i said so! aaaaaaaaaanyways, why so generalized? are you going all "annoying fbook girl" on us, james? and adam, please, don't hold back. tell us how you really feel.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Choosing Wisely

Ugh. really, devon? if you know you cant trust any of the three people, why even bother asking them in the first place?!?! also, do you really need to update your status every time just to make us feel bad? in the future, just ask someone who you know ALSO wants to do what you wanna do at the same time, et viola! you have a ride.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yet Another Couple

Oh dear god. normally i start w people's shitty statuses, not comments, but this one just went so opposite that it was worth doing things the other way. all starts off in the status, just an update on anna going clothes shopping. but then when ben comments, it goes downhill. like seriously, this is just another one of those gross in-too-deep couples. am i too much of an "old-fashioned" guy to see how this really is, as in if this is perfectly fine? cuz yeah, ive gotten what, four or five posts from this kind of shit? just, idk

Friday, March 9, 2012

When Logic Goes Awry

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. How the hell does this logic work?! We have a week of spring break this week, and most other colleges have it next week. How does that mean we'll be getting out earlier?! unless other colleges have longer breaks, all our graduations should be about the same. take this for example, dear Cristina, imagine the alphabet, if you will. now, suppose we use one copy of the alphabet and the other colleges use another. the standard american english alphabet has 26 letters, yes? well, imagine if our college would pick a letter and toss it down the toilet. therefore we would have 25 letters. now, another college uses the same initial alphabet, then removes a *different* letter. how many letters remain in their alphabet? 25, idiot. So if we get a break at one time, and they get that same break at a different time, we each get the same amount of break, just at a different time!! now, was that so hard to understand?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Where to start, where to start? Hardcore? no way! Imo, hardcore isn't just about looks and outfits, but also personality. You in no way have the personality to be hardcore imo. Plus, i doubt hardcore would wear bright yellow. I'd assume darker colors, but yeah, yeah, yeah, i know what happens when you assume-make an ass out of you and me. and your hair barely is even purple. i mean, it's just one small patch, and even then it's more of a dark pink as opposed to actually being purple. seriously

Monday, March 5, 2012

I See What You Did There

The question of the ages-is this the same couple that frequents my site or a new couple? Wait, the sickeningly sweet status is posted in the general feed, not on his gf's wall. It's a new couple!! Welcome to my site, Colin and Mary!! I hope you enjoy your stay! If you don't, not a single puck is being given!
And the most annoying part of this is Mr. Colin's profile photo. It's of him and Mary making out, as if he's saying "Haha! I have a gf and we get along soo well and make out all the time, and your and your gf (if you even have one!!) aren't like that at all!!" Mary's is much better-just a pic of the two of them sitting together. It's currently 3 March, 2012. I expect they'll be through before May, with how many gfs he's had in the past...